Wellness blog: Beauty

Coconut Oil - 8 Beauty Uses for this Superfood with help from LOVE BEAUTY FOODS
Considered the “Tree of Life” due to its remarkable versatility. The tough skin of the coconut tree can be used for: making fences, decoration, landscaping; the mature flesh of the coconut can be used for cosmetics, oil or soaps; and the fruit can be cooked and made into charcoal - amazing!
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What's so good about Aloe Vera? (hint: a lot!!) with Grace Cosmetics
For Grace, the amount matters and that is why Aloe Vera is their number one ingredient. When you read the ingredient list on the back of their bottles, you will find Aloe Vera as the first ingredient and it is for good reason!
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DIY Healing Bath Salts - with From Earth
Bathing dates back thousands of years, various cultures have historically recognised the physical and emotional benefits of water immersion. Charlotte, From Earth founder, has shared with us a very special bath salt recipe for you to make at home...
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This is it... The Autumn Box Reveal!!! (product list + discounts below!)
The Autumn Box is packed with so many nourishing goodies, as well as the RY Magazine and Autumn Retreat plan, all curated together to help you fill your self care cup back up to the brim.
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The Biggest Skincare Faux Pas (we're guilty of many!!!) and How to Avoid Them! With Eve's Skin
We want to look fresh and glowy, but unbeknownst to us some of our skincare habits aren’t doing our skin any favours, or at least they may not be as effective as we want them to be.
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