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FREE shipping on boxes + orders over $100 | Express shipping + Afterpay available | 8000+ 5 star reviews

Simple stress management techniques for your busy life

Simple stress management techniques for your busy life

In the whirlwind of your to-dos and deadlines, it might feel like there's barely a moment to catch your breath, let alone manage the stress that comes with a packed schedule. But here's a little secret: managing stress doesn't have to be another task on your list. It can be...

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How to show up for yourself when life gets busy

How to show up for yourself when life gets busy

In the hustle of everyday life, it’s easy to put ourselves on the back burner. We’re often so caught up in ticking off to-do lists, meeting deadlines, and caring for others that we forget the most important thing of all – ourselves. Showing up for yourself isn’t something to do...

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The perfect wind-down routine

The perfect wind-down routine

Creating a nourishing wind-down routine before bed is a vital practice to help transition your body and mind into a peaceful state, ready for restful sleep - and we all know how important a quality night of slumber is for our wellbeing! By incorporating this wind-down routine into your daily...

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How to avoid burning out this silly season

How to avoid burning out this silly season

Ah, the busy season is upon us! End of year festivities, family gatherings, and endless to-do lists can easily make us feel stretched to our limits. As much as it is a time of fun and celebration, it’s also a period when the risk of burnout is high. But, we’re...

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The brands & products in the 'Refresh & Renew' Mystery Box

The brands & products in the 'Refresh & Renew' Mystery Box

Our 'Refresh + Renew' Mystery Box was created to help you prioritise filling your self-care 'bucket', with beautiful products from some amazing, conscious Australian & New Zealand makers and brands. Because when that bucket is filled, your mind is refreshed, your outlook is renewed, and everything around you is just that...

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