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Discover: Illuminate Wellness Retreats

Discover: Illuminate Wellness Retreats

When two inspiring minds come together, the synergy that emerges can touch and change many lives. That was the case for Bonnie and Amanda, co-founders of Illuminate Wellness Retreats, who first came together on a retreat in luxurious Bali.  The pair were drawn to each other through a shared adoration...

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Your mid year check-in

Your mid year check-in

‘End of financial year’ marks so much more than a good sale (though we’re in full support of a treat-yourself moment). It’s important to each of us on a personal level: July 1 is the start of chapter two.  It marks the defined midpoint in the year; six months down,...

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The secret formula to achieving your goals

The secret formula to achieving your goals

If you're striving towards something, making a change, or forging a new path in your life… There’s one thing you have to realise before you get there: reaching your goals takes one million little steps. It’s rarely just one big one. Sure, there might be a major step along the...

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Are you living in alignment with your values?

Are you living in alignment with your values?

As we get swept into busy days, sometimes we veer off track. Subtle life changes shift the direction we’re heading; we slowly become disconnected from plans; we find ourselves a little bit off course. But it’s okay. Maybe you’ve embarked on a mission to reduce your eco-footprint, but you find...

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You deserve to rest.

You deserve to rest.

Can you feel a change in the air? Not just in temperature, but in our cravings, moods, and routines. The sun is setting earlier in the evening, creating the perfect atmosphere for cozy movie nights on the couch. We’re waking up to cool, crisp mornings, as we reach for our...

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