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Night time wind down - 60 mins

Night time wind down - 60 mins

How often do you actually give yourself a chance to properly slow down and unwind after a long day? We’ll take a guess that your evenings are filled with making dinner, cleaning, putting the kids to bed, preparing lunches, then plopping on the couch for a Netflix marathon?  Realistically, your...

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Time audit - 30/60 mins

Time audit - 30/60 mins

In this Retreat Ritual, you’ll be doing a little assessment of your life and how you spend your time. Are you making time for happiness and all of the things you know contribute positively to your health, or are you being consumed by bad habits that are counterproductive?  The cool...

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Stress-busting meditation - 5 mins

Stress-busting meditation - 5 mins

When we say that ‘meditation is magic’, we mean it. Building a regular meditation practice can lessen anxiety, build resilience and make you happier (among many other benefits). Meditating regularly essentially gives your brain time to clear out the clutter of your subconscious, and also helps to balance out your...

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Night time brain dump - 20 mins

Night time brain dump - 20 mins

Are you someone that has trouble falling asleep? Or do you find that the minute you go to bed, your mind starts racing, thinking of everything that’s happened that day? As we go about our days, we often accumulate thoughts and feelings towards things that have happened. And just like...

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Food & Friends - 3 hours

Food & Friends - 3 hours

While we often associate self-care as being something we do on our own, it’s also something that is hugely beneficial when shared with others. In this ritual you’ll be making a delicious recipe of your choice (there are over 40 options on the Wellness Hub) to find something else that...

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