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3 Of Our Best Tips To Get Motivated This Summer

3 Of Our Best Tips To Get Motivated This Summer

Hustling through the summer months can be difficult, especially when we are met with constant Instagram posts about how much everyone else is enjoying their break. If there’s one thing that we know about working hard and staying motivated, it’s the importance of coping and motivational strategies. And so here are 3 Of Our Best Tips To Stay Hustling This Summer…

  1. Get Organised

In our opinion, the phrase is “Organisation Is Key” couldn’t be more true. Working on a big project, or any project for that matter, can be gravely affected by an over-stimulated, cluttered mind and space. That’s why instead, we prefer to sit down and remove any clutter going on upstairs and put it onto paper, or laptop. This enables us to work through things more logically and strategically plan our next move.

  1. Don't Worry About What You Can't Control

In a piece for The Huffington Post, life coach Stacia Pierce said “Take control of what you can, And don't worry about what you can't." Since then, that turn of phrase has been something of a mantra to us. Website crashes, internet drop outs, roadworks, all factors wildly out of our control with grave effect on project management. So if you often find yourself paralysed by the “what ifs”, you may find focusing on work and ignoring the variables your best strategy yet.

  1. Wear It On Your Wrist

Like so many of us, the creator of Delta & Co. found herself on a roll with working out, and work before a slip up begged the question “Wouldn't it be great…to have something that's always there to remind us to live our best life?” And so the Delta & Co. bracelets were born - a daily reminder for powerful women chasing their dreams.

Now, not only are Delta & Co's bracelets the perfect tool to get you 'stay hustling', but the Delta & Co blog is one of the best, most honest & genuine sources of blog content out there. We HIGHLY recommend jumping online and having a ready, or even better - subscribe to receive founder Pinar's life changing words delivered directly to your inbox!

Here’s to a productive summertime full of motivation and getting sh** done!

You can find all of Delta & Co's empowering bracelets on their website:


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