Self care is often confused with this idea that we need to spend exorbitant amounts of money of luxurious spa treatments and massages to treat ourselves. For most women this is simply not an option, this may be due to financial limitations, family or work commitments, but whatever the limitation this usually means that the idea of self care is shelved, and preserved for the day that we can find the money or the time to do so.
The truth is self care is far simpler than we realise and when we stop making excuses for why we don’t have time, or money, we realise that the most luxurious of self care rituals can be carried out at home in the space of one quiet afternoon.
I know what you’re thinking: “I don’t have a quiet afternoon.” but you do, see:
If you have a busy household with children running around, ask your partner, your parents, or your best girlfriend to babysit one afternoon;
If you have a demanding job, you need to open up a conversation with your boss as to why you require some time off this weekend to care for your physical and mental health, with the confidence that this time-out will invigorate you to perform better on Monday;
If you have a busy social calendar or too many friends, ask them to join you and make a day of it, you won’t have to yell over other people to hear each other and can finally have that intimate conversation that you have been craving for weeks;
You see an afternoon, a morning, a couple of hours on the weekend can be found, it just takes the commitment to yourself and your wellbeing to recognise that not only is it possible, but it is essential to your wellbeing.
Our favourite self care practice comes in the form of a DIY Spa Treatment from the comfort and privacy of our own home involving 3 simple things; a bath, skin care and a steaming cup of hot chocolate.
We run the bath – hot – so that we can stay there for as long as possible without the water running cold and we bring along our favourite book, or podcast, or maybe even our laptop and indulge in some trashy television show that we could never justify watching. And while this may sound blissful in itself, and it is, our bath is always accompanied by a freshly brewed Republica Organic Sugar-free Hot Chocolate; a cup so deliciousness that we still can’t believe could be so healthy!
An important part of self-care also comes with connecting back to yourself and your body, loving it, cherishing and recognising it as your only home. One of our favourite ways to do this during our DIY Spa Treatment is to soften our skin with the Salt + Glow Skin Souffle on our body and invigorate the skin on our face with the Coffee Bean Eye Serum, all the while applying the serums mindfully and in gratitude for this healthy home that enables us to do all that we do. And if that skin care routine doesn’t have us glowing enough, we apply our ONNE Beauty Konjac Skin Brightening sponge. Not only do we look and feel amazing, but at this point we’re almost wanting our family to come home; or to get back into the office, and show off just how radiant we are.
By implementing a small self-care practice every week, that needn’t take long at all, we promise that you will be feeling lighter, more radiant, receive at least one comment from a friend telling you that “You are glowing!” and might even begin advising the same to your friends; because once you glow better, you never go back.