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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

OMG... The Winter Box has SOLD OUT!

I still have to pinch myself sometimes, seeing that my dream of helping people to create healthy and fulfilled lives is an alive and thriving reality.

Although there are moments that are incredibly hard (seriously), I still wake up daily with a hugely grateful heart knowing that I've been lucky enough to work on fulfilling my passions and helping others along the way too.

I have seen a lot in the short time I've been on this planet. I've experienced the incredible happiness that life can bring; the highs, the love, the lightness. I've also been on the other side of the fence, dwelling in the darkest of nights and the lowest of lows.

I’ve also sat in the front row, watching loved ones as they run themselves into the ground and dig themselves into a deep hole, unable to see the way out.

What I can tell you from all of this, is that I’ve learned a lot. And I now know for sure, that the way you experience life is entirely up to you.

When I started RY I didn’t just want to create a subscription box, the subscription box model was the vehicle I chose for sharing my message. Retreat Yourself was purely started on a vision for helping people like you to thrive. To feel connected, to feel calm, to feel healthy, inspired and fulfilled – all of those feelings you experience whilst on a health retreat, but in your everyday life.

Because to be honest, it hurts me watching so many of us wishing our days away in hopes of better ones ahead, living as if life will never end, and getting to the end having never really lived. Settling for mediocracy and becoming complacent. It breaks my heart knowing that SO many of us feel like we’re not enough, hiding behind fear, worrying about what other people think and holding back from being who we really are.

Because truly (and I mean this from the bottom of my heart), it is 100% possible to begin to feel comfortable in your own skin, to have the courage to be who you truly are, to feel healthy, to feel well, to find your purpose and not worry what others think. It is 100% possible to be fulfilled, every day.

I know this because I have had to dig deep to find my way through this, breaking through many walls, barriers, and restrictions that I’d put on myself, and oh my goodness – I’m still learning so much! But I know that this is the way to an incredible life because I feel it every day - and I know that you can too.

And don’t be fooled by the picture that social media and society paints, a fulfilled life doesn’t mean you’re screaming joy from the rooftops every day, nor does it mean you’re drinking green juice daily, chanting ‘ommm’ at your daily morning yoga class and then posting pics of it on your Instagram page, nor does it mean that you have that high paying job or an expensive home. It doesn’t actually even mean that you feel good daily (it is totally normal to have a bad day!). What it means is that you have a deep feeling of groundedness, you feel connected to your purpose, you are calm amongst the chaos, and you practice accepting and loving the person that you are.

When you practice living mindfully, eating nourishing foods, moving your body, changing your thoughts and looking after yourself, absolutely anything is possible!

So when our boxes sell out like this, it really does make me squeal in my seat. Because with every box we send out, I know that we’re helping more and more people on their way to creating a healthy and fulfilled life.

Over the next few months, we will be bringing in SO much more value to our subscriptions. Helping you even more on your journey to being the best version of you.

Because when each of us shines out light bright, we light the path for so many others to do the same.

Remember, you are the only one that decides how you experience this crazy thing called life.

You are worth every minute you spend on you.

With love & gratitude,

Kate xx

(And for our OG subscribers, our new customers, and anyone else that follows along our journey, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without you, this dream could never have come to life)


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