Many bits of wisdom and overused clichés are easier said than done; like the silly idea of being told to “cheer up” when we’re feeling down.
But occasionally, within these pieces of advice lies something so meaningful; something actionable we can truly bring into our lives to enhance our wellbeing. But perhaps the meaning has been lost and diluted with time.
For example, what does it really mean to romanticise your life?
For most of us, when we hear this phrase, we picture someone waltzing through life with rose coloured glasses, moving from one adventure and locale to the next, sampling gourmet food and tasting fine wines, treating themselves spontaneously and frequently, gallivanting through each day while stumbling upon endless luck and fortune…
All of the above feels unrealistic and out of reach, so we understandably disregard the advice and move about our typical day.
But there is deeper meaning within this phrase; it doesn’t actually require us to throw caution to the wind and quit our jobs in favour of a seaside holiday.
It’s about adding that whimsical sense of romance to every day.
The trick lies in that one overlooked word: romance.
We all have our guilty-pleasure reads and rom-com movies, featuring adorable meet-cutes and sickly sweet I-wish-I-had-that moments. These over-the-top romantic gestures may not be what we are truly searching for, but they teach us the essence of what romance really means.
It’s about doing those little things that mean something, to someone, simply because you love them.
…And that someone can be you.
When it comes to romanticising your life, think: how can you romance yourself? What would the rom-com main character do for you?
Maybe you pick up your favourite bouquet of fresh yellow flowers on your commute home from work; perhaps you make your favourite meal for dinner two days in a row, because you can; maybe you add whip cream on top of your hot choc, just because you like it that way.
Romance is found in those scrawled notes in your journal, telling yourself you are capable and strong. It’s found in moments when you wash your face, look up at the mirror and like what you see; when you do something for the sole fact that it feels good and makes you smile.
This type of romance is what romanticising your life really means; and when we think of it that way, it becomes much easier to put on our own rose coloured glasses every day.