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4 Key Time-out Moments to Take EVERYDAY

4 Key Time-out Moments to Take EVERYDAY

Do you often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the day and before you know it you're crawling into bed having not taken any time for yourself? Yep, we've been there too! We caught up with Fiona Whatley, Springhill Farm's General Manager & Second-gen slice fanatic to find out her top tips for making sure you take that much needed and completely deserved time out for you, everyday.  

With four school aged kids and a second-generation food manufacturing business based in regional Victoria, COVID (and lockdowns) hit the Whatley family hard. While Fiona has always had the best intentions of taking a few moments to herself each day they were often put on the back burner when other ‘more important’ issues arose every day. 

It may have taken a pandemic, but Fiona has finally been able to give herself that all important permission to slow down and take time. 

Fiona share’s her top four moments to take a time out: 

Watch the sun rise (not quite) but get up before the kids 

I have never been a morning person, and if you told me 12 months ago I would beat my early bird children out of bed in the morning I would have very happily bet my house against it. My dad Ray however has always sworn by ‘getting up with the birds’; I think it comes with a farming background. I finally decided to listen… 

With four kids our mornings can be as hectic as a category 4 hurricane. I started a few months ago getting up before them, just a couple mornings a week, and slowly it became the norm – now I could not go back!  I have found that those few minutes (sometimes only 15) give me time to ease myself into the day and soak up the quiet stillness, I feel so much more ahead of the day instead of behind. It really does set you up right for the day ahead. 


Our office is always a hive of activity, sales meetings, production meetings to the all-important kitchen tastings (I didn’t say it was all bad). I’ve found that the trouble is without any downtime to refresh and recharge, I’m less efficient, less engaged and make more mistakes. A few months ago, I started setting time aside in my diary, so that it’s non-negotiable; I’ve found that by taking a couple minutes to myself (with a sneaky piece of slice of course) I can achieve more.

A cuppa or two

Just like a 3pm-its break – a short cuppa break goes a long way to improve your mood and is a great excuse for a little time out. We’ve made a tea break a little ritual in our team it’s another important point during the day to check in with each other; we’ve even managed to keep it going (albeit not as sporadically) over Zoom. These short breaks are not only good for the mind, but the soul too and help keep us all connected.  

Couch Time 

There is nothing wrong with a bit of couch time, whether it’s with a book or tuning out with the latest trash series on Netflix, I look forward to my nightly couch time. With both my husband and I working in the family business we found that it was very easy to slip into work talk each night therefore we made the ‘golden rule’ – no work talk! To be completely honest this is probably the hardest rule for us to follow however when we do get it right it feels like the night ends on a better note and helps start our next day right too. 


You'll find Springhill Farm's Bites in our 'Bloom' retreat.

Springhill Farm exists to spread joy, one treat at a time. Providing a modern twist on Aussie farmhouse kitchen inspired treats! Springhill Farm treats are perfect to complete your time out moment and include gluten free and vegan offerings. Australian made in regional Victoria and proudly second-gen family owned.

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