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Celebrating the Awesome Women We Work With!

Celebrating the Awesome Women We Work With!

In line with this year’s International Women's Day theme #Choosetochallenge, we’re celebrating the achievements of the incredible female founders we’ve worked with at Retreat Yourself.

Below we've rounded up some of the truly amazing women we've had the pleasure of working with over the past year, and have asked them a few questions about why they started the business they did, what they are passionate about and how, in this crazy world, do they find time for themselves!

Everyday we are inspired by women all around the country and the world, the ones we are close with, the ones we work with and the one's we don't know too! International Women's Day is for all of them (and us!) and we couldn't be prouder to be a business that not only supports women in business but also women all over Australia and the New Zealand to be the very best version of themselves that they can be. 

From Earth

Charlotte, From Earth Founder

RY: What inspired you to start your company and when did you start it?
Charlotte: From Earth began in 2016 after my daughter, Josie, developed eczema. After doctors recommendations for creams that came with warnings, I began to explore other options, and reconnected with the knowledge from my childhood. I turned to plants and nature as the healer. Healing Hemp oil was born, and the company rose from there.

RY: What experiences lead to the values you have instilled in your company?
Charlotte: Childhood spent in the mountains of Norway, at my Grandparents house. Surrounded by nature, I was gifted the knowledge that our greatest source of medicine, our source of self care, our source of strength, is in the natural environment. Here we find all we need to enrich our lives for the better, to care for ourselves while caring in return for the Earth. Everything I make is designed to heal and enhance the human experience, whilst protecting and honouring mother earth.

RY: And lastly, what does a fulfilled life look like to you?
My children's laughter, play, animals, nature, sandy feet and beautiful food. That's my ultimate recipe for happiness.

We Bar None
Ellen Burns - We Bar None Founder

RY: What inspired you to start your company and when did you start it?
Ellen: I had the idea for We Bar None in 2013 when I was living in Canada and saw the amazing range of healthy convenience foods they had over there and got really jealous! I started recipe testing straight away and launched the business in 2015 when I was back in Australia.

RY: What experiences lead to the values you have instilled in your company?
Ellen: My parents are both very environmentally-minded so I’ve grown up conscious of waste and our responsibility to look after our environment. I believe that we need to be the change we want to see in the world, so it was always my mission to make We Bar None zero waste and carbon neutral.

RY: What is your favourite way of winding down and taking time out?
Ellen: My two favourite ways of winding down are cooking dinner and going for walks with my husband. We love going camping, hiking, and out for dinner, but any day where we have cooked a nourishing dinner at home and walked around our block is a good day!


Kiera Rumble - Krumbled Foods/ Habitual Beauty / Krumbled Directer/CEO

RY: What inspired you to start your company and when did you start it?
Keira: I went through my own health journey after being diagnosed as insulin resistant (pre-diabetic) and I turned to what I thought were healthy snacks to help me on my journey. After I started studying nutrition, I realised that the so called healthy snacks were loaded full of sugar and hidden sugars and marketed really well.

RY: What experiences lead to the values you have instilled in your company?
Keira: Over the past few years, I have had quite a few challenges in business, I plan on one day writing a book on “what not to do in business”. Each of these lessons have taught me how to shape my businesses today, it all starts from the people who you surround yourself with. Having a great work environment filled with like minded people is my number one priority in my companies.

RY: What is your favourite way of winding down and taking time out?
Keira: I am a big believer in slow beauty, for me that means, slowing down and taking time to put on my skincare, take time out for my daily meditation and try to disconnect whenever I can (which isn’t easy when you have 3 businesses!). My mental health is crucial and if I don’t look after that, everything else suffers as a result.

RY: Here at Retreat Yourself, we LOVE dreaming BIG - what is your vision for your company?
Keira: We have a big few years in the works for the Krumbled Businesses! Setting up our HQ, hiring more staff, international expansion, setting up offices overseas. I want to cover all aspects of someone's life, from conception through to infants through to your elder years.

Pleasant State

Ami Bateman + Sian Murray - Pleasant State Founders

RY: What inspired you to start your company and when did you start it?
A: In December 2019, I had just started eradicating plastics and toxins from my home to tackle personal health issues. It was around this time that I became aware of just-add-water cleaning solutions that were being sold overseas. They weren’t available in Australia so I decided why don’t I just make it? The only problem was I needed an amazing marketer. Enter Sian!
S: Ami and I were introduced in February 2020, and shortly after we set-up Pleasant State officially and we haven’t looked back!

RY: What experiences lead to the values you have instilled in your company?
A: I’ve always had a strong sense of justice and a need to protect the less powerful. This led to roles in HR, sustainability and workplace health and safety in large corporates. However, my experiences left me feeling that big business had lost its way. Instead of serving its customers and employees, and protecting the environment they were focused on profits at all costs. At Pleasant State we’re intent on demonstrating that doing good IS good business by balancing people, planet and profits.

RY: And lastly, what does a fulfilled life look like to you?
A: This might sound corny but the one I am living right now. I have a challenging and impactful job, a roof over my head, supportive friends and family and I live on the Sunny Coast.
S: I’m with Ami. There are still a lot of things I want to achieve and launching Pleasant State has been an incredible first step. But I’m already feeling pretty fulfilled. If I can keep this incredible energy around me I’m happy.

Exposed Naturals
Tania Bogomazoma - Exposed Naturals Founder

RY: What inspired you to start your company and when did you start it?
Tania: It all started with my mum. Back in January 2014 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The news came as a shock to my whole family and it was from that point I decided to replace everything I put on my body with natural alternatives. Years later the ONE beauty swap I still wasn't happy with was my deodorant. I tried so many brands, but none of them kept me fresh past lunch time. Tired of wasting money on natural deodorants that didn't work, I decided to try making my own. Following two years of extensive research, product development and meticulous testing, Exposed Naturals was born in July 2019.

RY: What is your favourite way of winding down and taking time out?

Tania: My favourite way to get creative and re-energise for the week ahead is a self-care Sunday ritual consisting of a DIY face mask or a luxurious body scrub. I love creating things from scratch (except for when it comes to cooking!), so I like to try new DIY skincare recipes. You can find my favourite ones on our Instagram page! Otherwise, a night spent watching movies with popcorn and a glass of red wine in my hand is great too!

RY: Here at Retreat Yourself, we LOVE dreaming BIG - what is your vision for your company?
Tania: My mission is to make natural deodorants mainstream. With such a plethora of organic skincare brands to choose from these days, I feel like the natural deodorant industry is very niche in comparison. Many people are still sceptical about trying a natural deodorant, which is not surprising considering the large number of myths surrounding switching to a natural way of staying fresh. I’d like to make natural deodorants the product of choice for everyone – young, old, males, females, those concerned about sustainability and natural ingredients and those not concerned about any of that!

Tara Hanaphy - LeQure Co-Founder

RY: What experiences lead to the values you have instilled in your company?
Tara: Ever since I was a child, I always felt compelled to fight for the environment. Captain Planet was my first influencer! I always aim to try to create the most eco-friendly products and policies for our company. From my teens and onwards, holistic health and wellness became my passion so my values and creative vision always stem from a place of holism.

RY: What is your favourite way of winding down and taking time out?
Tara: Immersing myself in nature and distancing myself from technology is my ultimate way of winding down and grounding. Hiking, the beach, listening to a river, hearing the native birds in the bush, or even just a morning at the park with the dog during the week when I can’t get away!

RY: Here at Retreat Yourself, we LOVE dreaming BIG - what is your vision for your company?
Tara: Bringing more health conscious, natural and eco-friendly products to the world, that work to support both the micro (you and your health) and the macro (the planet) harmoniously. In the future we would also love to expand further into overseas markets like Asia & Europe.

RY: And lastly, what does a fulfilled life look like to you?
Tara: I always feel most fulfilled when I am connected to my highest self & aligned with my purpose and dharma. I feel happiest when I am living in flow with nature's cycles and in harmony. A combination of these two principles always brings me the most fulfilment. I also believe that 2020 taught us all is to stop glamorising the grind! I have enjoyed more periods of slower pace, and being able to spend quality time with my family, friends and dog!


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