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Embracing winter

Embracing winter

Happy first day of winter! Can you believe it’s June already!? The last time we checked it was March… 🤯

 It’s a freezing cold day here in Victoria, and it looks like it’s setting the scene for the months to come. The snow is falling on the mountains, everyone is rugged up in puffer jackets and the heaters are cranking. While all of us in the office generally agree that winter is a wonderful time, we understand that not everyone is of the same opinion. Many people loathe the cooler winter months, however after a conversation with the team, we’ve come to realise that, like many things, enjoying wintertime is a choice. 

 There are so many opportunities that come along with these cooler months, so changing your perspective on how you experience winter will allow you to make the most of it. Because at the end of the day, wintertime makes up for a quarter of your year. And if you think about it, that’s a quarter of your life. You don’t want to be spending it feeling miserable.

So to help you make the most of these cooler months, we’ve put together a couple of ideas to help you get as much enjoyment out of it as possible.

Enjoy more dinners at home with friends.

There’s something so special about heading out and sharing a meal with loved ones, but when the weather’s cold, all we want to do is stay indoors and stay warm. In winter we tend to be less social, but it’s important we keep up regular social engagements to help us feel connected and supported. So instead of heading out, invite your friends over for an early dinner. Cook up a big batch of your favourite warming meal and enjoy it alongside a cup of red wine or tea. The best part is that you can wear your trackies and still be in bed by a reasonable hour.

Sign up to heated yoga or a new indoor exercise class. 

What better motivation to get moving than knowing you’ll be able to escape the cold and get those endorphins flowing in a warm room. Whether you’re into high intensity or slower forms of movement such as yoga or pilates, there’s endless options for them all. If you’re in Melbourne or the Geelong area, our favourite place to go is Upstate Studios. And if not, a quick google search is be a sure way to find something to suit your interests in your local area.  

Embrace the opportunity to slow down. 

With shorter days and less going on socially, we have a chance to take things a little slower and reset after the busy festive months. There’s more time for warm baths, reading a good book, journaling, starting a creative endeavour such as knitting, or simply stopping each day to enjoy a mindful cup of tea cuddled up on the couch. 

Once we change our perspective and start to see the opportunity that each season brings, the easier it becomes to find joy in all parts of life. 

Team RY xx


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