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Finding your why with Thankyou

Finding your why with Thankyou

It’s easier to forge forward no matter what comes your way when you know what your purpose (or as we like to call it, your deeper ‘why’) is.  

The team at Thankyou, together alongside a movement of incredible people (like you!), are attempting to forge bold new paths when it comes to bridging the gap between two extremes in this world; extreme consumerism and extreme poverty. They've got a deep resolve to go up against the darkness in this world, with a light, an idea– called Thankyou – that could change it all. 

When you're headed down new paths, you don't get handed a map with a clear road to a destination. Instead, armed with a compass that points north and with eyes firmly fixed on where you're going, you'll find a way. The endpoint dictates the way you navigate the terrain and the decisions they make along the journey. Thankyou are not following a marked path on a map, or a road already travelled. They are discovering their way towards their destination. 

The destination? A world where not one person lives in extreme poverty. 

The compass? Well, there’s a few things they've identified that help to keep them on track (like; their vision, mission, impact and values). They are the things that have helped them stay the course and will continue to shape the journey forward.  

The thread that runs through that journey is having a purpose much greater than themselves. For over 13 years, Thankyou have and always will exist to see a world where not one person lives in extreme poverty. It fuels their mission to amplify change-makers to better serve people living in extreme poverty by redistributing wealth from consumer spending. The purpose burns deep within their hearts, and they're not looking to play small to see this vision achieved.

What does this mean for you on your journey? 

People are moved and motivated to do many different things. Thankyou talk about the end of extreme poverty. But your journey may be (is likely to be) about something completely different. Regardless of what you do, it's impossible to consistently get up and keep going in the face of ongoing challenges without knowing your deeper 'why'. 

Finding your 'why' will be something that only you can discover, perhaps you've already discovered it, but if not, here are some thoughts to encourage you on the journey to finding it:

Find the common denominators in the answers to these questions, and you'll have your first lead to exploring your purpose – your 'why':

  1. If money and time weren't limiting factors, what would you allow yourself to dream of doing?
  2. What gets your emotions going?
  3. What brings tears to your eyes?
  4. What makes you happy? 
  5. What are your values*

*We value values – they help keep us on track and act as a filter to make sure everything we do is aligned. They stem from our fundamental beliefs and are key when it comes to our pursuit as a team to see our vision realised. Our values help keep us in check and help us filter whether or not we’re on the right path. They can also help you on your journey to finding your purpose. 

Grab a pen and paper, and start exploring! 

Whether your ‘why’ appears to be big or small, every ‘why’ is significant because it links you to your purpose and meaning in life. This is game-changing, because no matter what ways the path twists and turns on the road to your destination, you will stay grounded, focused, and moving forward in the right direction. And if you ever get lost up the wrong track (and occasionally, we all get lost), remember that your ‘why’ is part of the compass to help guide you back.


Thankyou exists to see a world where not one person lives in extreme poverty. Our mission is to amplify impactful change-makers to better serve people living in extreme poverty by redistributing wealth from consumer spending.



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