There are so many key phrases we’re told to look for when shopping for our skincare: natural, organic, chemical-free, cruelty-free, and eco-friendly. If only all of these labels were easier to decipher, skincare shopping would be a lot easier. “Natural” and “cruelty free” unfortunately don’t always mean what we want it to and it is from this very frustration that Seven Island Lip Balm was born.
Inspired by the clean, fresh air of the Mediterranean, this handmade skincare provides your skin the same ‘break’ from synthetics, chemicals, pollution and stress as a tropical holiday, everyday. Unfortunately for the vast majority of us living in major cities, our skin absorbs pollutants in the air, affecting our whole body, starving our skin of oxygen resulting in premature skin ageing – and – ain’t nobody got time fo’ that.
Anne Marshall, founder of Seven Island Skin Care, thought so too. Sourcing ingredients from the purest corners of the Mediterranean, Anne was able to develop skincare products loaded with plant based goodness and healthy fats derived from what so many of us only see as humble kitchen staples.
For example, did you know that our much loved cooking oil – Olive Oil – is known as an ancient Mediterranean remedy for skin issues? Rich in Vitamins A, D, E, K and abound in healthy fats, Olive Oil is especially hydrating and nourishing to the skin. It’s antioxidant and antibacterial properties also promote skin repair and healing. Not bad for a pantry staple…am I right?
The olive itself has also been used to emulsify, stabilise and provide a silky smooth finish. In the case of the body scrub, crushed olive pips are used as a deeply nourishing exfoliant. And in the spirit of squeezing the most nourishment out of each olive, Seven Island also utilises Olive Leaf Extract – a powerful antioxidant promoting skin elasticity, soothing, hydrating, toning and firming the skin.
Combine the power of the Olive with some more anti-inflammatory Mediterranean wonder from Rosemary Leaf Extract, Sweet Almond Oil and Essential Oils, and you know you’re doing wonderful things for your skin, body and mind. And you may just find yourself in the Seven Islands…on a retreat…or simply Retreat-ing yourself in your living room.
Seven Island Lip Balm available in the Autumn Retreat Yourself Box (which is now sold out!).
You can check them out here: https://sevenislandsskincare.com.au/