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Our Top Tips To Prepare For The Change To Autumn

Our Top Tips To Prepare For The Change To Autumn

Whether we relish the fall of autumn leaves and the drop in temperature, or mourn hot summer days - it is important to understand the adaptations that come with this change in season.

Autumn can be a particularly shocking change of season from the hot Australian summer, so we thought it best to prepare you for what lies ahead...

Watch That Snooze Button! 

In Autumn we are far more likely to hit the snooze button each morning and develop a condition known as hypersomnia - the opposite of insomnia. Not only are we sleeping in but the quality of this sleep is greatly diminished. This is because our eyes are being hit with less ultraviolet rays during the day, throwing our circadian rhythm off-kilter.

The best way to avoid this chronic over sleeping (as nice as it sounds) is by exposing ourselves to more sunlight during the day and being consistent with our sleep times each evening. This may be as simple and practical as taking a 30-Minute walk outside in nature each day and using the SleepTime setting on your iPhone to help regulate your sleep and wake up times.

You May Experience Early On Set Winter Blues

Otherwise known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or the winter blues, we become more susceptible to drops in our mood when Autumn arrives. While scientists are still unsure of the direct cause there seems to be multiple hormones and neurotransmitters at least partly to blame.

In our opinion, the most effective way to avoid these low moods is ensuring a healthy food intake, exercise regime and sleep cycle, and maybe even getting out of the house sometimes and socialising with friends. Spending some time in sunshine each day to increase levels of dopamine, serotonin and Vitamin D in the body.

Weight Gain!?

As our serotonin levels drop with diminishing daylight, we may in fact find ourselves more vulnerable to comfort foods - particularly high carb food sources that can boost serotonin levels back to what feels normal.

It is important to remember that this is a common occurrence and that the amount of weight gain on average is no more than a couple of kilos, usually shed during the spring or summer.

It seems obvious that the most effective way to keep this weight gain at bay is with regular exercise and a healthy diet, but we don’t think it’s too much to worry about.

We have also included some healthy and delicious food items in your Autumn Box to encourage you to eat well in the cooler months.

But You May Want To Buy Food In Season...

In many cultures a new season is the start of a new diet in which to embrace the foods of an Autumn harvest. Fresh pumpkins, parsnips, sweet potatoes, apples, pears, figs and cranberries are all ripe and in season and can usually be bought from a local grower. They are also a much healthier choice for your hormones than genetically modified or chemically sprayed fruits and vegetables from overseas.

Drink More Water!

It seems counterintuitive that we would need to drink more water in the cooler months, but with the sun beaming down on us in summer we often take a bottle of water everywhere we go; and in winter tend to forget the H2O and reach for beverages such as coffee and tea that dehydrate the body more.

To prevent dehydration from occurring it is best to ensure you carry and sip on a water bottle during the day - and remember it can be hot water! Just not caffeinated...

Simply following these five easy tips in preparation for and during your Autumn will ensure that you are free and well to enjoy all the pumpkin spices lattés and fire place snuggles without any sniffles...

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