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#behindthebiz | Morgan From Bohemian Skin

#behindthebiz | Morgan From Bohemian Skin

When it comes to choosing skincare it can feel overwhelming. When they all seem to promise you your skincare dreams it's hard to pick something that really works for you. 

For many of you guys who follow us, we know you like to look for products that are either natural, organic, vegan, cruelty free...or ideally, all of the above! 

So we knew when we started chatting to Bohemian Skin you guys would love them. And how RIGHT we were!

We sat down with co-founder and creative director Morgan Littler to learn the ins and out of her wonderful skin care brand, plus her thoughts on why we should be taking a more natural approach with our skincare. 

Tell us a bit about the people behind your company

I’m Morgan and together with my husband Keenan we created and run Bohemian Skin. We have two young boys and an Old English Sheepdog and live in Brisbane. Aside from being parents and business owners we enjoy the outdoors, good food, movies and spending time with friends and family. Prior to starting Bohemian Skin, Keenan was a paramedic working in health and safety on oil rigs and I was in travel management for a global tourism company.

What inspired you to start your company and when did you start it?

When I was pregnant with our first son I was so paranoid about the products I was using passing through my skin into my bloodstream and onto my baby that I literally stopped using all skincare. In my quest to find products that were pregnancy suitable I came across some natural ingredients that I loved using and worked wonders for my hormonal pregnancy skin. In our kitchen in passing I said to Keenan how I wished there were products that you could use during pregnancy and more natural products in general and he said why not make some yourself. And there in our kitchen the idea for Bohemian Skin was born!

What would an ‘average day in the life of’ look like for you?

I usually get up at about 6:30am and the first thing I do is have a coffee. If the boys are up I get them breakfast and we all usually sit around the bench and talk about what we have on that day. After breakfast we get organised for the day and the boys head off to kindy if it’s a kindy day. On non kindy days I usually set the boys up with an activity so I can work. Keenan normally goes to the office to fulfill orders during this time. We then have lunch and I then try and take some time out to head to the gym. I then spend another couple of hours working and make sure my phone is off by 5pm. We then do dinner, bath and bed and then Keenan and I spend some quality time together. We usually plan for the following day and then watch an episode of a TV show together. On kindy days I normally work from the office.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Definitely our boys- seeing their happy, smiling faces wanting cuddles just is everything. They are my reason for everything I do.

What is your favourite product in your range?

This definitely changes all the time however right now I am LOVING our new Rejuvenating HY C Serum. It is divine!

What is an interesting way of using your products that not many people would know about?

Keenan is quite heavily tattooed and always uses our Facial Moisturiser on tattoos while they are healing!

What experiences lead to the values you have instilled in your company?

Keenan and I really love and value health and fitness so developing products that compliment a healthy lifestyle was a no brainer. We also support PANDA which is the perinatal anxiety and depression association which is a cause close to our hearts as I suffered from debilitating anxiety after the birth of our first son. 10c from every sale is donated to PANDA!

What is your favourite way of winding down and taking time out?

I love taking baths! I don’t get to do it often but adore that time when I do. I always bathe in pure hemp seed oil- it leaves my skin feeling so hydrated. I usually put on a podcast and just relax for a good half an hour!

Here at Retreat Yourself, we LOVE dreaming BIG - what is your vision for your company?

We would love to one day be stocked at the likes of Mecca and Sephora!

For anyone out there wanting to start their own business, what would your biggest piece of advice be?

You’ve got to spend money to make money- invest in yourself and there is no better time than now!

And lastly, what does a fulfilled life look like to you?

A fulfilled life to me is one that is surrounded by love. The people in my life are the most important thing to me and as long as I am surrounded by people who love me, are kind and compassionate then I am very fulfilled. You are a reflection of who you surround yourself with.

If you want to learn more about Bohemian Skin and their product range, head to their website:


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