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Why your body knows natural is best

Why your body knows natural is best

It’s a little-known fact that the use of a sweat inhibiting antiperspirant product sends your body into a state of hyperactive sweating below the skin surface when your body senses the need to cool down. As a result of this, it is easy to form the view that you need a heavy-duty antiperspirant product to restrict your sweating, because from the moment your antiperspirant starts to wear off, the flood gates open and at that moment you may be a heavy sweater.
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Immune Boosting Tips For Winter

Immune Boosting Tips For Winter

Making a few changes to protect your health over winter is as much about keeping up an active self-care routine as adapting to changing temperatures and sunlight hours.

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Tulsi AKA The Queen of Herbs; learn more about its origins and benefits

Tulsi AKA The Queen of Herbs; learn more about its origins and benefits

Tulsi is also known as Holy Basil and considered ‘The Queen of Herbs’ in Ayurveda, the traditional medicine system of India. We asked our friends at Organic India to tell us more about Tulsi, its origins and benefits...
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Super important nutrients you need for glowing skin and how to get more of them in your diet!

Super important nutrients you need for glowing skin and how to get more of them in your diet!

There are so many functions that need to be supported in order for your skin to glow. To support all of these functions, here are 5 super important nutrients you need for glowing skin...
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It's Cooling Down! 5 Tips to Boost your Natural Immunity with LeQure Body

It's Cooling Down! 5 Tips to Boost your Natural Immunity with LeQure Body

With the cooler months fast approaching, we sat down to chat all things immunity boosting with self confessed wellness nerd Tara Hanaphy, the Co-Founder and Director of LeQure Body.
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