Wellness blog: Self-care

Finding your ‘self’ love language
You might have heard about love languages before; words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, gifts, and touch. They represent the different ways you show love to your family, friends and partner. Everyone has a unique set of languages and often, they are different to those around you. But, have you ever thought about your self-love language?
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Joys & Benefits of Bath Salts
It is often easy to forget to take that special time to yourself to truly rejuvenate your body and restore your energy. Here to explain the benefits of the use of bath salts in our self care routines is Tilley Soaps.

Cultivating gratitude can make you happier
Have you ever come across a person who is always just so kind, a person so happy with their hand in life, someone who looks at every single sunset like it’s the first their eyes have seen? It’s easy to wonder what’s been put in the water they are drinking, but the answer is often a much more straightforward actuality; it’s gratitude.
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Align your reflection with the moon
The moon represents the most intimate sides of ourselves: our emotions, moods, instincts, feelings, memories and vulnerabilities. Cycling the earth every 29.5 days, she has many different phases during this journey, and with each lap, she’ll appear as a new moon and as a full moon.
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Behind the Brand: Love Beauty Foods
Recently, we sat down with founders of Love Beauty Foods, gabby and Will, to talk about all things beauty and sustainability. read on below for a slew of wisdom and a tale or two.