Learn about the benefits of activated charcoal and how you can help the planet by just cleaning your teeth with the team from PearlBar!
Activated charcoal is one of nature’s most powerful cleaning agents. Dating back as far as 30,000BC, it has long been used as a natural absorbent, as well as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral agent. It detoxifies and deodorises your mouth, balancing PH levels while absorbing odour.
Nowadays, charcoal is nature’s top alternative to artificial ingredients, which can have harmful long-term effects on the body. It’s not only your best friend for teeth whitening, either; charcoal has also been used to remedy skin complications, gas and bloating, digestive issues, body mould, and to otherwise detoxify the body (hello, hangover cure). PearlBar have harnessed this natural wonder to take care of your beloved pearly whites.
Additionally, by swapping plastic oral care brushes for PearlBar’s planet-loving range, you are choosing to help turn around our planet’s plastic waste crisis and provide some much needed relief to our Wildlife.
Did you know:
- Over 5 BILLION toothbrushes are discarded into the environment each year
- Like all plastics, these won't breakdown within our lifetime. Plastics can take 1,000 years to break down... not cool!
- At least 8 million pieces of plastic find their way into the ocean every single day
- Unfortunately, plastic toothbrushes and other oral care products are extremely harmful to marine life as animals mistake them for food
- More than 1 million marine animals die due to plastic in the ocean each year
Making the swap to a sustainably produced AND biodegradable toothbrush is the way to go, especially considering our toothbrushes are something we need to replace fairly regularly. Imagine, if for the rest of your life, you and your whole family didn't use plastic toothbrushes again, that's a whole lot less plastic out in the world!
You can check out PearlBar on PearlBar and follow them on Instagram or Facebook @pearlbarshop for more information about their awesome sustainable products. They've also shared an exclusive discount code with the RY community: RYSPRING for 15% off cartons online until 28/02/2021.