Wellness blog: Retreatyourself

Finding your ‘self’ love language
You might have heard about love languages before; words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, gifts, and touch. They represent the different ways you show love to your family, friends and partner. Everyone has a unique set of languages and often, they are different to those around you. But, have you ever thought about your self-love language?
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Tread lightly and nourish gently: Natio’s carbon offsetting program
With a philosophy that has always been guided by a connection to the Earth and a deep appreciation for nature, Natio is choosing to play a part in the solution towards a healthier planet. The Australian, family-owned business understands that even the small choices it makes as a business can generate big ripples.
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How to Embrace and Master Your Unique Energetic Anatomy
Self-love requires us to take radical ownership of who we are and Human Design is the modern tool that helps us hold that pose so we may continue to elevate, innovate ~ and support one another ~ in our uniqueness.
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5 journal prompts to reconnect with yourself
We're sure you can relate to feeling disconnected and discontent after being caught up in life's blur. After a crazy year of juggling work, social events, appointments, errands and basically just life in general, it's easy to lose sight of who you are and what you need to feel fulfilled.
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Tips on how to celebrate the moment, without alcohol
With lockdown behind us and the silly season at our doorstep, no doubt you will be hosting an event or two at yours. Part of hosting an event, big or small, is that you want everyone to feel welcome and have a great time.
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