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What actually is a sacred cacao ceremony?

What actually is a sacred cacao ceremony?

So you like cacao in your smoothies, but what about using it as a tool to sink deeper into connection with yourself? Freedom Cacao are here to shed light on exactly what a cacao ceremony is!

The traditional use of cacao has slowly become a beautiful addition to the modern way of life as people are beginning to choose to live their life in a way that fulfils them - not burns them out.  

Whether you are a busy parent, heart-centred entrepreneur, spiritual guru or an everyday soul with an inner knowing that you’re here to live the best day ever, every damn day. We love that cacao gets to support you with her power and can be incorporated into your personal rituals.

But how do you actually set yourself up for a cacao ceremony? 

Well, there many ways, but these two are our faves.

1. You can attend a ceremony where a facilitator has been trained in guiding you through the connection with Mama Cacao. These can be extremely powerful experiences and well worth looking into.  

We recommend to always feel your intuition and alignment with each facilitator as not everyone is going to be “your jam” and it’s important for you to have the most beautiful experience possible. Follow your gut.

2. Set up your own personal daily ceremony.  

This can be as simple or as elaborate as you want to make it.   

- What you need:

  • A still/quiet space (even for 15 minutes if that’s all that you can create for yourself as a busy parent- there is no right or wrong)
  • Your favourite things - eg. crystals, sage, incense, essential oils, photos, oracle cards or anything that makes you feel delish.
  • Be comfortable - cushions, rugs, warmth 

You may choose to have a space that set up permanently, or you may just have a special place that you like to sit quietly, connect and reflect away from the world. 

- Prepare your cacao:

When preparing your cacao

  • Prepare it mindfully and in the present moment.
  • Notice if you are rushing around, trying to do a million things, in your head thinking about the past or the future then you get to slow down, be present, and start to connect your intentions into the cacao. 

- Delight Your Senses:

Once you have prepared your cacao, mindfully feel the warmth of the cacao on your hands through your favourite cup. Lean in to smell the deliciousness, sweet and bitter scent.

- Infuse your intention:

Before you take your first sip, think and create  space in your mind for gratitude and deep reverence for your life. Connect with the deep purpose, impact or vision you have for your life. Sit in your heart space, smile to yourself thinking about your loved ones. Then go ahead and sip on this delicious elixir. Whilst slowly drinking you may stay in this quiet, connected space or you might decide to journal, pray, move, read, or write out some goals. 

This is your time, be present with yourself.


You'll find Freedom Cacao in our most recent Mystery Box.

There is a reason why cacao lovers are falling head over heels and choosing cacao over coffee! Freedom Cacao gives you the kick without the crash plus it is about as pure & as sacred as it gets. We are all about creating ceremonies around celebration, coming home to self every day and expanding our state of consciousness. Have cacao as your bestie to live through intention and keep your vibes high.

Use the code: RYMYSTERY for 10% off online until 31/01/22


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