Wellness blog: Meditation

Rediscovering Your Connection with Self Through Meditation
As humans we crave to know ourselves. Often it takes us around the world on a quest to ‘find ourselves’, or on a journey of trying many different things in order to discover who you are… But I’m here to tell you that there’s nothing to be found, only remembered. The essence of who you are isn’t in the streets of Paris or buried deep in a book, it’s inside of your heart. All you have to do is remember.
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Emotions | Friend and Enemy with Coma Organics
Our bodies and minds are intrinsically interconnected, with each supporting and influencing the other. Emotions play a crucial role in how we think and behave, particularly because they influence the decisions we make about our lives. The emotions you experience are formed from daily observations or experiences.
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How to Embrace and Master Your Unique Energetic Anatomy
Self-love requires us to take radical ownership of who we are and Human Design is the modern tool that helps us hold that pose so we may continue to elevate, innovate ~ and support one another ~ in our uniqueness.
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5 journal prompts to reconnect with yourself
We're sure you can relate to feeling disconnected and discontent after being caught up in life's blur. After a crazy year of juggling work, social events, appointments, errands and basically just life in general, it's easy to lose sight of who you are and what you need to feel fulfilled.
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Is fear holding you back?
There are a few types of fear, of course, and genuine fear has its place. It helps keep us safe and is provoked by our instincts. But illogical fear, the kind of fear that often begins with "what if…", is what holds you back from your greatest potential.
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