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5 Fun Ways to Use Coconut Water

5 Fun Ways to Use Coconut Water

Here at Retreat Yourself we always welcome Spring with open arms!

There's nothing greater than being able to spend more time outdoors with the longer days (thank you daylight savings) and the warmer weather leaves us feeling more energised and vibrant. 

And we can't think of a better way to cool down on a warm Spring afternoon than with a refreshing class of coconut water. 

Boasting some amazing benefits, coconut water is full of wonders like electrolytes (specifically potassium, magnesium and calcium), it has antioxidant effects and it's super hydrating. 

These are just some of the reasons why we have been a little obsessed with the Coco Luxe Glow found in our Spring Box. 

This stunning bottle has been specially designed for lovers of beautiful skin. It's made from 100% pure coconut water, sustainably sourced hydrolysed marine collagen and with added açaí to give you an all-natural glow!  

But there are more ways to introduce coconut water into your day-to-day than just by the glass and we're going to share with you our 5 favourite ways to use coconut water.

1. Make frozen treats.
Perfect for those days when you don't want to leave the air con, pour your Coco Luxe Glow into an empty ice tray and allow it to set. Add a few cubes to a glass of water for a refreshing a twist.

2. Make healthy icy poles
In a blender add some frozen fruit, our favourites for this are mango, strawberries and passionfruit pulp, add the Coco Luxe and blend until smooth. Pour the ingredients into an icy pole mould and allow to set. 

3. Make a coconut mocktail 
Coconut water is such a versatile flavour and it partners perfectly with almost every fruit, so there's endless combinations for mocktails! In a jug add lots of ice, a bottle of Coco Luxe, a juice of your choice (like pineapple), some fresh mint leaves and some sliced limed. Give it a good stir and enjoy. 

4. Chia pudding
The common ingredient found in most chia pudding recipes is almond milk, but why not change up your usual recipe and try using coconut water instead! Mix 1/2 cup white chia seeds, 1/2 cup Coco Luxe and 1/2 cup light coconut cream and allow to set overnight in the fridge. In the morning add your choice of topping for an easy breakfast. 

5. Açaí bowl 
Easily one of our favourite breakfasts to make and it's so easy. In a blender add your açaí packet (you can pick these up at health food stores), a banana, your Coco Luxe and blend. Add all your favourite toppings like strawberries, raspberries, chia seeds, a spoonful of natural peanut butter, whatever you're craving!

If you would like to learn more about Coco Luxe and their products, head to their website: 


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