Wellness blog: Tips

Joys & Benefits of Bath Salts
It is often easy to forget to take that special time to yourself to truly rejuvenate your body and restore your energy. Here to explain the benefits of the use of bath salts in our self care routines is Tilley Soaps.

Cultivating gratitude can make you happier
Have you ever come across a person who is always just so kind, a person so happy with their hand in life, someone who looks at every single sunset like it’s the first their eyes have seen? It’s easy to wonder what’s been put in the water they are drinking, but the answer is often a much more straightforward actuality; it’s gratitude.
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5 journal prompts to reconnect with yourself
We're sure you can relate to feeling disconnected and discontent after being caught up in life's blur. After a crazy year of juggling work, social events, appointments, errands and basically just life in general, it's easy to lose sight of who you are and what you need to feel fulfilled.
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5 ways to actually achieve your goals
Goals can be daunting, especially the big ones, but with the right processes, you can better set yourself up for success.
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Why it's important that we take the time to ground ourselves
Grounding has become a popular concept. Some common signs that you are ungrounded and may need to take a moment to rebalance your systems might look like... A lack of grounding impacts our physical bodies just as much, if not more. This might look like...