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Why We Should Choose Cruelty Free Perfume

Why We Should Choose Cruelty Free Perfume

The beauty industry can feel overwhelming with so many variations of the same products on the market, but thankfully the trend is starting to move towards more conscientious and ethical products. 

Whether it's something we've been saving up for or an impulse buy, making a conscious decision to purchase products that are either ethically sourced, cruelty free, vegan, organic or natural (like the products in our Seasonal Boxes) can all have a positive impact!

When it comes to choosing new beauty and skin care products this is one area where we can easily make the choice to ensure that animals don't suffer for our beauty. 

By purchasing a product that is both Vegan and Cruelty Free means the product contains no animal ingredients and it hasn't been tested on any animals. The perfect combo! 

This is one of the reasons why BAE Vegan Perfume is leading the way for the Australian perfume industry. 

BAE, an acronym for beautiful animals everywhere, is a modern and ethical perfume brand which offers department store quality designer perfume with zero cruelty, unlike some other designer brands on the market.

BAE's luscious vegan fragrances are certified with Choose Cruelty Free and PETAs Beauty without Bunnies Vegan & Cruelty Free program which really shows that BAE was created for the animals.

So when you spray your Starshine perfume featured in our Winter Box you can feel good knowing that delicious smell is supporting the greater good of our planet!

To learn more about BAE Vegan Perfume and their products head to their website:


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