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A letter of forgiveness

A letter of forgiveness

We all carry weight on our shoulders. From managing daily tasks to planning for the future, our minds are filled with conflicting emotions, overwhelming decisions and never-ending responsibilities. Life is busy enough; it only feels heavier when we carry things in our heart that don’t need to be there.

As the saying goes: anger is like drinking poison and expecting it to harm the other person. Resentment, grudges and frustration with others are feelings we can choose to drop — to make room for something more beautiful.

Forgiveness is a wonderful gift you can give yourself. Rather than carrying someone else’s hurtful actions and wrongdoings on your shoulders, forgiveness eases the pressure. It makes your days feel light again. 

This ritual encourages you to intentionally, thoughtfully forgive someone, and move beyond a situation from your past.


Feelings: Feel calm, feel renewed.

Time required: 20 to 30 minutes of quiet time.

What you’ll need: A pencil or pen.


  1. Use this page to write a letter of forgiveness to someone who has wronged you. Write as if you were speaking to them, freeing yourself from their wrongdoings and moving beyond the hurt. Offer them love, compassion and understanding; say “I forgive you”.
  1. Put this letter wherever you like, you don’t need to give it to the person, it’s more a way of freeing yourself of the hurt, and letting go of the emotions that keep you trapped in the past.


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