Feelings: Feel grounded, feel energised.
Time required: 20 minutes.
What you’ll need: A quiet place, and access to the Energising ‘full bloom’ yoga flow with Emma Maidment here.
Where have you been getting your energy from?
Are you nurtured by eight hours of sleep, or spurred to the next activity by another cup of caffeine? Do you rely on the stress of accomplishing your to-do list to motivate you through long, busy days… or do you allow yourself to sink into a calm moment every hour?
Moving quickly from one part of our day to the next, we often rely on adrenaline and momentum to power us, leading to a massive crash once we finally allow ourselves to rest.
This energising yoga practice led by Emma Maidment allows us to gather our energy from a place of grounded, serene awareness. Even twenty minutes spent turning inwards, gently letting go of tension, and feeling your mind start to settle down can deeply revive you before tackling the rest of your day.
Sink into this full bloom yoga flow to refresh and energise you.
- Find somewhere comfortable to close your eyes and get in the calm, quiet zone.
- Access the yoga flow here.
- Once you’re finished, reflect on how this practice made you feel. Which parts of your body feel different than before? Do you feel energised, more creative or motivated?
- Return to this practice regularly when you need to create more calm in your day.
“I trust my body.”
Emma Maidment is an internationally renowned meditation and yoga teacher, speaker and author. She packed up a thriving career in public relations to pursue an embodied life of wellness and inspire people to live a life in flow. When she’s not working or raising her two little boys – River and Osha – with her partner, Tyson, you’ll find her chasing waterfalls, soaking up beach days, eating good food and sipping on coffee. Emma is featured regularly in magazines and wellbeing publications, presents at festivals and corporate events, and facilitates wellness experiences. She is the co-founder of Flow States Collective and the host of The Flow Lane podcast. You can follow her journey on social media @EmmaMaidment_ and you’ll find her new Book ‘Find Your Flow’ in all good bookstores and online.