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At-home Gua Sha facial

At-home Gua Sha facial

We’re sure that you love a facial as much as we do, however it’s not always suitable to take time out to go and get a facial done in these busy lives that we lead.

In this Retreat Ritual, you’ll be using the Sculpt + Glow Gua Sha found in your Retreat Yourself Box to create a nourishing & wholesome at-home facial, so that you still get the benefits of a facial without having to go anywhere!

A Gua Sha is a small, flat, typically stone instrument used in traditional Eastern wellness practices. Its unique shape is designed to fit the contours of your face, allowing for a gentle, effective massage. As you glide the Gua Sha across your skin, it helps in improving blood circulation, promoting lymphatic drainage, and reducing inflammation. This not only aids in detoxifying the skin but also helps in sculpting and lifting the facial contours, resulting in a more toned and youthful look.

Regular use of the Gua Sha can also contribute to reducing the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, and alleviating tension in the facial muscles - a common cause of aging signs. When paired with your favourite skincare products from your Retreat Yourself Box, the Gua Sha helps in deeper product penetration, ensuring your skin receives the full benefits of each ingredient.

This Retreat Ritual is more than just a beauty routine; it’s an experience that brings together ancient wisdom and modern skincare, offering you a moment of relaxation and a step towards radiant, healthy skin.


Feelings: Feel glowing, feel fresh

Time required: 15-20 mins

What you’ll need: Your Sculpt + Glow Gua Sha from your Retreat Yourself Box plus your favourite cleanser and serum.


  1. Cleanse and Prep. Start by cleansing your face to remove impurities. Then apply your favourite facial oil or serum to ensure the Gua Sha glides smoothly over your skin.
  2. Neck and Chin. Using the Gua Sha tool, gently scrape upwards along the neck and under the chin. This helps in lymphatic drainage and sets the stage for facial treatment.
  3. Jawline and Cheeks. Gently sweep the Gua Sha from the centre of your chin along your jawline to your ears. Repeat on each side. Then, move to your cheeks, gliding the tool in an upward motion towards your hairline.
  4. Under-Eyes and Eyebrows. Carefully use the Gua Sha under your eyes and along your brow line. This helps reduce puffiness and relaxes the eye area.
  5. Forehead: Finish by sweeping the gua sha from your eyebrows up to your hairline, moving across the forehead. This helps smooth lines and relieves tension.


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