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Mindful Morning Pages

Mindful Morning Pages

When we wake up, our minds are a fascinating place. Before we check our schedule, get bombarded with notifications and become swamped with the day’s responsibilities, we’re filled with dreams, ideas, memories, thoughts and feelings — which are often pushed to the back burner as we start our day.

What if you allowed this calm, creative stream of consciousness to spill onto a piece of paper? What would you uncover about yourself?

Morning pages make the most of your morning mind. It’s not complicated — it’s the simple act of setting aside a few minutes to write without self-judgment, doubt, revising or overthinking. 

Morning pages are where unedited thoughts and feelings emerge from the depths and begin to make sense to you. It holds potential to spark inspiration and make things feel clear; it’s where unexpected ideas, decisions and direction are born.

We recommend completing this ritual within the first few minutes of waking up. Grab a cup of tea or coffee, find a quiet space, and allow yourself five to ten minutes of self-discovery. Write what comes to mind, allowing thoughts to flow freely, bouncing from one idea to the next. Highlight, scribble, underline and bullet point; there are no rules to your morning pages, only the free flow of thoughts.

Make it a daily habit — and see what you uncover.


Feelings: Feel inspired, feel aligned.

Time required: 5 to 10 minutes (or as much time as you like).

What you’ll need: Your chosen journal and a pen.


  1. There is no wrong way to do morning pages. Grab a pen and paper (you can write on the following pages), find quiet space and a few minutes to yourself, and write what comes to mind.
  1. Aim to fill the pages without second guessing or overthinking. Just let the thoughts flow, without judgement.


“I inspire myself.”


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