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10 Tips to Nurture Your Hair

10 Tips to Nurture Your Hair

No matter the time of year, having luscious and healthy locks is always in style and as we get older, we can’t expect to have gorgeous strands without the assistance of quality hair care products and a mindful hair care routine.

What we might have gotten away with in our teens and twenties, will no longer cut it once we reach our 30's.

As we enter the warmer months it's important to prevent as much damage as possible which can come from swimming and over styling for events and luckily enough Hot Tresses are here to help with their 10 easy tips to nurture your hair:

1. Wash your hair a maximum of 2-3 times per week.

2. Avoid excessively hot showers and shampoo your scalp, rather than your roots.

3. Only use sulfate-free shampoos. Sulfates are known scalp irritants and have been linked to split ends.

4. Towel-dry your hair before applying conditioner – this way hair will better absorb moisture.

5. Hair is most vulnerable when wet, so avoid stressing wet hair. Comb with fingers or a wide-toothed comb.

6. Use a low-heat setting when blow-drying and point the nozzle down, rather than side-on (if it burns your skin, it’ll burn your hair).

7. Remember, it’s normal and beautiful for your hair to have movement – let go of the need for excessive control. Hair shouldn’t look like a helmet. Movement is sexy.

8. Try castor oil/coconut oil masks + Hot Tresses Rehab Sequence (great for all hair types).

9. Work with your hair’s natural texture.

10. Trim when needed. Fewer trims are needed with quality hair CARE products and healthy home-styling habits (research ‘heat-free styling’ on Pinterest).

For more hair care tips or to see the entire Hot Tresses range, head to their website: and for an exclusive RY discount use tribe at the checkout for 15% off your order (valid until 1st of June 2020)


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