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Five Foods For Healthier Skin

Five Foods For Healthier Skin

Poor nutrition has adverse effects to our health from the inside out, so get more out of your body with what you put in to it, by making some healthy eating changes. Health and Fitness Travel, the leading specialists in wellness holidays worldwide, have compiled a list of the best...

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How To Stay Committed to Self-Care This Summer

How To Stay Committed to Self-Care This Summer

What is the most crucial key to overall wellness? If you asked a hundred people you would get a hundred different answers. Personally, I think the most important thing we can do for our wellness and vitality is to devote to our self-care. It sounds simple, right? It is in...

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Make 2016 Your BEST YEAR YET!

Make 2016 Your BEST YEAR YET!

Like anything, when you’ve got goals to achieve and dreams to make reality – it requires work, focus, determination and planning. Your goals won’t work unless you do ;) With the New Year just around the corner, it’s important to get ourselves in the right headspace to start the year with a...

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3 Easy Superfood Chocolate Recipes For Glowing Skin & Happy Body

3 Easy Superfood Chocolate Recipes For Glowing Skin & Happy Body

If eating chocolate and having a glowing skin sounds too good to be true, you are really not dreaming. You CAN have a cake & eat it too! Chocolate made from raw cacao is a true superfood & the best natural source of antioxidants (for youthful skin), magnesium (for stress...

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5 Top Tips For Nailing The At-Home Workout By Anna Chisholm

5 Top Tips For Nailing The At-Home Workout By Anna Chisholm

 As a business owner, a health coach and a mum, the time and space I have available to workout is ever changing. One week will look completely different to the next in terms of time and location, which fuelled my need to find a routine that was super flexible! For...

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