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“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well” – Virginia Woolf  After a particularly craptacular day at work I realized something important: Everything will be OK if you just come home and cook yourself a nice curry :) So today I would like to...

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Me Time: Why Travel Solo

Me Time: Why Travel Solo

Travelling by yourself might be that one thing you’ve been itching to cross off your bucket list but are too afraid to actually do. The thought can indeed be a very daunting prospect—from leaving your responsibilities at home or work, to worrying about safety, the proper clothes to wear and...

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A Saucy Salad To Spice Up Your Life!

A Saucy Salad To Spice Up Your Life!

The weather is HOT again and we’re feeling like cool, fresh and fulfilling foods. At the moment, we're really digging noodle salads. Soba noodle, rice noodle, kelp noodle - ANY kind of noodle. Not only are they DELICIOUS on the lips, they're filling, satisfying and not so bad on the...

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How Your Head Reflects Your Space

How Your Head Reflects Your Space

Ever feel like you’re surrounded by STUFF? You crave tidiness… to walk into your room and for everything to be where it should, for your car to just be clean. The problem is, sometimes you don’t know where to start and it’s overwhelming. There's too much to go through and...

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It's February - Time To Focus

It's February - Time To Focus

“Life is learning how to breathe, Expanding you, then filling me, Gathering in then putting out, Sitting in stillness then dancing about” It is now the second month of the year and it is the ultimate time to connect and make your dreams reality! The month of February offers us...

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