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5 ways to actually achieve your goals

5 ways to actually achieve your goals

We bet you've been there before... Months after setting a goal, you suddenly realised you didn't follow it through. Or, completely forgot about it all together. 

Perhaps, if it's the latter, maybe that goal wasn't actually very important to you (in which case, feel free to never set it again.) But, if this is something that resonates with you and maybe feels very, very familiar, then it's time to get serious about the goals you set. And, surprise, surprise, actually follow through with them. 

Goals can be daunting, especially the big ones, but you can set yourself up for success with the right processes. 

The very first thing you need to do is believe in yourself AND your goal. Get serious about them, don't write anything off as trivial or silly; if it's important to you, then it's a serious goal. 

Sometimes the motivation does fade, and staying on track can get increasingly difficult. But by being firm, sure of your end destination and refusing doubt, you will get there. 

So when you next set a goal, consider these 5 things to best set yourself up for success. 

1. Visualise

Initially, when beginning to consider a goal, you need to get frank with yourself. You need to know that it is actually important to you, something you are willing to work for, something you want to work for. So, start visualising. Visualise yourself doing everything it will take to succeed in your goal. Visualise yourself when you have met that goal, once you've smashed it and gone above and beyond. How does it look? What does it feel like? Does it feel right for you? If it's a yes, trust us, you'll know. If not, maybe reconsider if this is the right goal for you. 

2. Set specific goals

Now, it's time to get right on down to the itty bitty, nitty-gritty. What is it that you actually want to achieve? Be veryyyyyy specific. Consider the SMART goal setting guide. It'll give you a framework and mean you actually know what you are working towards. Read more about SMART goals, read our blog 5 crucial things to consider when setting a seasonal goal.

3. Tell people

It might be terrifying, but verbalising your goals to other people will take them out of your head and put them out into reality. Doing so also helps give you a sense of accountability! Better yet, the more people you tell, the bigger your cheer squad will be and the more people you'll have to support you on your way! 

4. Plan

An incredibly crucial step. The path to success is a well planned one, so it's time to sit down and map it out. Map out every action that you need to take to meet your goal, and then schedule them in. Planning everything out is a sure way to know if you are staying on track or not!

5. Commit

Perhaps the most challenging part of all, commitment. Commitment doesn't mean you necessarily action everything out as you had planned (if you do, excellent!) But it does mean that if you slip up, have a sideways step, or even a backwards one, you jump back on the path and keep working towards your goal, no matter what pops up to get in your way. 

1 comment


    I am so excited when I see an email from you.
    My need to rise and see the sunrise is fueled by what you have written.
    My darling husband James died 18months ago and finding a new ME instead of US is and will be challenging.
    Thanks to all your words of inspiration.

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