Our day-to-day self-care keeps us going year-round but sometimes with a new season comes changes to our habits and rituals. Within in that, committing to gentle rituals we is a wonderful way to reconnect with ourselves - mind, body and spirit.
Here some new rituals to consider adding to your wellness routine...
Start dry body brushing
The ancient practice of dry brushing comes from Ayurveda, a centuries-old healing science. As winter settles, many of us forgo our summer skin routines, instead reaching for added layers and turning the heater up, leaving our skin less than loved. Dry brushing gives the skin the attention it needs. The technique is simple but the benefits are incredible. Dry brushing 2 to 3 times per week before bathing, can help remove built-up dead skin, unclog pores and encourage blood circulation. When brushing, always stroke from bottom to top moving in the direction of the heart so that the lymphatic system is properly drained.
Walk more, drive less
It’s easy to race to the comfort of your warm car in winter, but as we bounce from indoors to the car to indoors again, we are reducing our time spent outside getting fresh air, sunlight and that all-important vitamin D. So instead, opt for walking when you can. Get the blood pumping, and once you warm up, roll up your sleeves and let the sun shine on your bare arms.
Take warm, relaxing baths
There’s nothing better than a long soak in a steamy bath. Add your favourite essential oils, body oil, play some relaxing music and just soak. Book a regular me-time bath date with yourself once a week. Once you’ve run the bath, close the door and let the world slip away as you float.
Low lights, incense and candles
When the sun sets earlier, we turn our lights on earlier. This means we aren’t getting those natural cues to our circadian rhythm telling us when to fall asleep. Instead of switching on all the lights in your home after a day at work, try using lamps, dimmers, or only a few lights. Add incense and light candles and suddenly your home will feel cosy and warm rather than stark and bright.
Start the morning with a hot brew and journaling
After 8 hours in bed, the rest of the house is sure to feel pretty cold underfoot. So treat yourself to a gentle wake up routine. Boil the kettle and pour yourself a hot tea to warm up, then journal or read as you drink your cuppa.