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Recipe for a winter mood boosting day

Recipe for a winter mood boosting day

Sometimes it happens. The days get incredibly short, grey, and not to mention... cold. And suddenly, the winter blues hit. 

It's a common occurrence and you are definitely not alone in feeling this way. It's understandable, but it doesn't have to be permanent. We bet you'd rather bound out of bed and embrace the day, regardless of whether it be warm or cold!

With the shortest day of the year behind us (see ya Winter Solstice), the days will start to get longer (and lighter) and your energy levels will increase too. But there are still a few months left and we are here to help you see it through!

So, if you're feeling less than spritely, we've got your back. We've created a winter mood-boosting recipe for a day that's sure to lift your spirits. 


- Warm jacket

- Yoga mat

- Ingredients for pancakes 

- DIY hobby supplies

- Favourite book/movie

- Your chosen face mask, hair mask or scrub


1. Wake up early for sunrise

Initially, it might be challenging, but the effort will reap you rewards. Starting your day with something as magical as a gorgeous sunrise is a sure way to help set the mood for the day. Rug yourself up, and as the sun breaks through the horizon set yourself an intention for the day. "Today I will embrace slowness. Today I will connect with me. Today I will welcome all that winter offers."

2. Embrace gentle movement

Now you are already up and at 'em, set yourself up with a little yoga corner and treat your body to a delicious stretch, twist and flow. During winter, we tend to move less, allowing energy to build up. Clear the stagnation and get your blood flowing, sending warmth all throughout your body.

3. Make your favourite warming brekkie

Often our days begin in such a flurry, we rarely sit ourselves down and actually indulge in a leisurely breakfast. Today, allow yourself that time and treat yourself to a meal you wouldn't usually cook. Say, pancakes! Pancakes can boost anyone's mood. Pump your favourite tunes, dance around your kitchen as you flip away. Add your favourite toppings, sit and enjoy. 

4. Get creative

It's time to break out the craft box. Maybe you are into knitting, sewing, painting, macrame or playing the guitar. What ever it is, spend some time setting your creative soul alight. Don't set any parameters, just start to play and see where you end up. 

5. Settle in with your favourite book or movie

Grab a cup of tea, a blanket and get cosy on the couch with your favourite book or movie. Get lost in the story line, the lives of the characters and watch as the afternoon slips away. 

6. Treat yourself to a pamper session

Round out your day with a nourishing pamper. Either treat yourself to an at-home session or book in for an invigorating treatment at a day spa! Pop on your face or hair mask (or both), pour a glass of wine and relax. 

At the end of the day, head to bed early and get a good night of sleep, then check in with yourself as you wake up. How are you feeling now? Bet those winter blues aren't knocking as loud today!  


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