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5 crucial things to consider when setting a seasonal goal

5 crucial things to consider when setting a seasonal goal

In order to change your life, you need to change your daily habits. 

At the birth of every new year, we are inundated with information about resolutions and goal setting. With everything going on, we tend to set ourselves so many goals we can't keep track of them all.

Setting year long goals at the start of the year - when you're on a high from all the festivities - is often where our mistake in goal setting lies. Instead, seasonal, short term goals are actually a really great way to set more achievable goals for yourself.

When you set seasonal, short-term goals, you are setting goals that are in line with how you, your body and your mind feel at the start of each season. You have a better gauge on what is doable for you in the months ahead.

Over the summer, you might challenge yourself to an ocean dip every single day. 

In autumn, it might be to focus on your evening sleep routine. 

And in winter, when you are spending more time at home, it could be to read 10 pages of a non-fiction book everyday. 

As the season changes, so does your body's energy and vibrations. Allowing your goals to change with the seasons gives you greater flexibility to go with the flow of your body. 

So, just how do you set a seasonal goal? 

1. Start by spending some time reflecting. What have your goals been in the past? Did you achieve them? And then look forward, what are some things you'd like to see yourself achieve in the future?

2. Once you have a broad idea, consider whether the goals you are aiming for are large or small. If it's a huge goal, is there a way you can break it down in smaller goals?

3. Next, create your goal with the SMART goal setting guide...

Specific - Make your goal clear and concise. Instead of 'this winter I will focus on my wellness' try; 'this winter I will develop a daily meditation routine.'

Measurable - It can be hard to monitor your progress when your goals are vague. Making sure your goal is measurable is key to staying on track. Break your initial goal down further by giving it a measuring unit like time or repetitions. For example, 'This winter I will develop a daily meditation routine by meditating for 5 minutes every morning as soon as I wake up.'

Attainable - When considering your goal, make sure it's achievable and attainable. If you've never meditated in your life, is it realistic for you to suddenly start meditating for an hour a day? Instead, slowly ease yourself in with a goal that is achievable for you. 

Relevant - Make sure your goal is something that matters to you. If you aren't interested in succeeding in your goal then it's unlikely you'll achieve it. 

Time-sensitive - Make your goal time-sensitive. Setting a seasonal goal is a good way to do this. But you may also consider mini-monthly deadlines or creating smaller goals to achieve along the way. 

Remember; when planning, setting and taking action, small repeated changes = life changing results. 


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