Wellness blog: Essentialoils

Why it's important that we take the time to ground ourselves
Grounding has become a popular concept. Some common signs that you are ungrounded and may need to take a moment to rebalance your systems might look like... A lack of grounding impacts our physical bodies just as much, if not more. This might look like...

Why we love Australian Essential Oils... and you should too!

Lemon Myrtle, a fresh citrusy native that's packed with health benefits....
Most of us know about lemon myrtle – an Australian native found in rainforest areas of the country with fragrant leaves that have hints of lemon, lime and lemongrass. You may know about the health benefits. You probably know lemon myrtle is found in some cleaning products. You may also know that it’s used in cooking. But there’s a lot more to this plant than first thought...

How to live your best eco-friendly life...
It’s Freshwater Farm's love for the earth that motivates them to be an eco-friendly brand, and to introduce eco-friendly practices into theirs and their customers lives. So we asked the Freshwater Farm team for their top 5 tips to help you live your best eco-friendly life.