Wellness blog: Tips
Getting Your Vitamins Has Never Been so Easy
By eating a well balanced diet we can get most of the vitamins and minerals we need to help keep our body running smoothly.
But not every diet is always going to be perfect and we may find ourselves lacking from time to time, which is why finding a great supplement to add into your routine can make a positive impact on your body.
This is exactly why we have been obsessed with the range of Eloments Organic Vitamin teas, read on to learn all the benefits...
10 Tips to Nurture Your Hair
No matter the time of year, having luscious and healthy locks is always in style and as we get older, we can’t expect to have gorgeous strands without the assistance of quality hair care products and a mindful hair care routine.
As we enter the warmer months it's important to prevent as much damage as possible which can come from swimming and over styling for events and luckily enough Hot Tresses are here to help with their 10 easy tips to nurture your hair...
Skin Care Tips with Ancient and Wild Organics
As we age, caring for our skin becomes more important and what we see happening at the surface is often a reflection of the breakdown of what's happening on the inside.
This means that in addition to wrinkles, stretch marks and cellulite, you may also feel this breakdown of connective tissue in your joints, circulatory system, or even in the gut and intestinal lining and you're left feeling the signs of premature ageing.
But by introducing collagen into your diet you can start to see a whole range of benefits...
4 Reasons to Use a Coffee Scrub
If you haven't already noticed coffee is a very hardworking bean!
Not only does coffee give us the pick me up we need when we've had a poor nights sleep, but when it’s used as an exfoliating scrub it can work absolute wonders on our skin.
So why not turn your daily morning ritual into your bathroom routine because here are our 4 reasons why we love to scrub!
5 Fun Ways to Use Coconut Water
Here at Retreat Yourself we always welcome Spring with open arms!
There's nothing greater than being able to spend more time outdoors with the longer days (thank you daylight savings) and the warmer weather leaves us feeling more energised and vibrant.
We can't think of a better way to cool down on a warm Spring afternoon than with a refreshing class of coconut water, so come learn our 5 favourite ways to use this magical thirst quencher!