Wellness blog: Skin

Why your body knows natural is best
It’s a little-known fact that the use of a sweat inhibiting antiperspirant product sends your body into a state of hyperactive sweating below the skin surface when your body senses the need to cool down. As a result of this, it is easy to form the view that you need a heavy-duty antiperspirant product to restrict your sweating, because from the moment your antiperspirant starts to wear off, the flood gates open and at that moment you may be a heavy sweater.
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Why everyone should be using a facial oil!
Here's the tea! Do not be afraid to use face oils. Contrary to popular belief using the correct facial oils for your skin type will help you to balance out your natural sebum production and will not clog your pores.
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Behind the brand with Pink Hibiscus
I was hooked and started making lotions from scratch for myself, family and friends - who were all reporting great results in their skin. The cystic pimples I had suffered from since my teenage years disappeared through the use of my very own products! I had tried everything and visited so many professionals over the years to no avail!
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Are you exfoliating correctly? Here's a how-to...
Using an exfoliator correctly will remove the junk clogging your skin, buff away dead skin cells, and improve the effectiveness of your other skincare products.
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Oil Cleansing Method for Clear Radiant Skin...
If you are wanting clear, radiant skin, it’s time to try the oil cleansing method! This gentle and natural method of cleansing is all you need to remove makeup and the daily build up of dirt and grime on the skin, without stripping it of its wonderful natural oils that work to protect the skin.