Wellness blog: Cleantreats

Rituals to help evoke positive changes in our everyday lives!
Often a lack of rituals can leave us feeling flat. It’s one of the reasons people struggle most when trying to give up drinking alcohol. It’s not the actual drink itself they miss. It’s the unwinding sip as they relax after a big week.
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Healthy Snacks and Lunchbox Hacks
Having packed countless lunches over the years for herself and her 2 kids, Table of Plenty founder, Kate Weiss has picked up a few tips she believes everyone needs to know...
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Tulsi AKA The Queen of Herbs; learn more about its origins and benefits
Tulsi is also known as Holy Basil and considered ‘The Queen of Herbs’ in Ayurveda, the traditional medicine system of India. We asked our friends at Organic India to tell us more about Tulsi, its origins and benefits...
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Packed with real ingredients - you'll love these Blue Dinosaur Lamington Bar's
Blue Dinosaur have shared with us one their recipes. Now you can have a crack at making some warm, delicious & healthy Blue Dinosaur Lamingtons in your own kitchen!
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They're healthy, they're delicious, but what are the differences between pulses and grains?
Pulses and Grains are natural partners for wholegrains, from both a culinary and a nutritional perspective. We’ve focused on the more common varieties, which make a great starting point if you’re adding them to your pantry, but there’s plenty more to explore!
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